Sayyid Shāh Turāb al-Haq al-Qādirī
Birth and Early Life
Hazrat Állāmah Mufti al-Sayyid Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī (15 September 1944 – 6 October 2016) was a prominent Sunni Muslim scholar, preacher, and politician. Born in Hyderabad, India, in 1944, his family migrated to Pakistan after the Partition. His father, Shāh Sayyid Ḥussain Qādrī, hailed from a Sayyid family, and his mother belonged to the distinguished Farūqī lineage. Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq became a disciple of Muṣṭafā Razā Khān Qādrī in 1962 and visited Bareilly in 1968. He received his education at Dārul ʿUlūm Amjadia in Karachi, Pakistan.
Position in the Silsila
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī held an esteemed position in the Sufi Barelvi movement and was the direct Khalīfa of Muṣṭafā Razā Khān Qādrī, the son of Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān Barelvi. As the leader of the Jamāʿat Ahl-e-Sunnat in Pakistan, he dedicated his life to the propagation of Sunni Islam and the teachings of the Maslak-e-Aʿlā Ḥazrat.
Family Legacy
His spiritual lineage connects him to renowned Islamic scholars and saints. As the son-in-law of Muḥammad Muṣliḥuddīn Ṣiddīqī, Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq also received Khilāfa from his father-in-law, passing this esteemed legacy to his son, Shāh ʿAbd al-Ḥaq Qādrī Nūrī.
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq excelled in his studies at Dārul ʿUlūm Amjadia, one of Karachi’s foremost Sunni institutions. His educational pursuits were deeply rooted in traditional Islamic sciences, and he became a prominent religious figure renowned for his eloquence and erudition.
Political Career
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī entered politics to serve the Muslim community, particularly through educational reforms and advocacy for Islamic values. He began his political career by contesting local government elections for the position of Councillor. From 1985 to 1988, he served as a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan, where he actively represented Sunni Muslim interests.
Religious Leadership
As a religious leader, Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī played a pivotal role in establishing Sunni educational institutions and organizations. He was the manager of Dārul ʿUlūm Amjadia Rizvia in Karachi, president of the Madāris Ahl-e-Sunnat Karachi, and a key member of the Karachi Intermediate Board and Ruʾyat-e-Hilāl Committee. Additionally, he was associated with movements such as Teḥrīk-e-Niẓām-e-Muṣṭafā and Majlis-e-Taḥaffuẓ-e-Khatm-e-Nubuwwat.
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq authored numerous books on Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and spirituality. His works include:
  1. Ziyāʾ al-Ḥadīth
  1. Jamāl al-Muṣṭafā
  1. Taṣawwuf o Ṭarīqat
  1. Daʿwat o Tanẓīm
  1. Falāḥ-e-Dārayn
  1. Khawātīn aur Dīnī Masāʾil
  1. Kitāb al-Ṣalāh
  1. Masnūn Duʿāʾein
  1. Tafsīr Sūrat al-Fātiḥah
  1. Islāmī ʿAqāʾid
  1. Ḥuḍūr kī Bachon se Muḥabbat
  1. Thanā-e-Sarkār
  1. Mazārāt-e-Awliyāʾ aur Tawassul
  1. Imām Aʿẓam
  1. Faḍāʾil-e-Ṣaḥābah aur Ahl-e-Bayt
  1. Teḥrīk-e-Pākistān mein ʿUlamāʾ-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat kā Kirdār
  1. Rasūl-e-Khudā kī Namāz
  1. Ḥajj kā Masnūn Ṭarīqa
His literary contributions reflect his deep understanding of Islamic principles and his dedication to guiding the Muslim community.
Death and Legacy
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī passed away in Karachi on 6 October 2016 at the age of 72. His funeral prayer, led by his son Shāh ʿAbd al-Ḥaq Qādrī, was attended by thousands, including prominent religious leaders such as the chief of Jamāʿat Ahl-e-Sunnat, Maẓhar Saʿīd Kāẓmī, and Muḥammad Munīb ur-Raḥmān. Tributes poured in from across Pakistan, with Prime Minister Nawāz Sharīf recognising his contributions to democratic values and Bilāwal Bhutto Zardārī acknowledging the void his demise left in the religious and spiritual landscape of the country.
Shāh Turāb al-Ḥaq Qādrī’s life was marked by his devotion to Sunni Islam, his leadership in the Barelvi movement, and his efforts to foster education and spirituality. His contributions to Islamic scholarship, political advocacy, and community service continue to inspire generations. May Allāh grant him the highest ranks in Jannah and keep his legacy alive through his followers and institutions. Āmīn.