Huzoor Taj al-Shariah Mufti Muḥammad Akhtar Raza Khan
The Life and Legacy of Huzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah Mufti Muḥammad Akhtar Razā Khān Qādrī Aẓharī رضي الله عنه
Birth and Early Life
Huzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah, Ḥaḍrat Muftī Muḥammad Akhtar Razā Khān Qādrī Aẓharī Qibla, was born on the 26th of Muḥarram 1362 AH (2nd February 1943) in Bareilly Sharīf, a city renowned for its spirituality and Islamic scholarship.
Position in the Silsila
Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah holds the exalted position of being the 43rd Shaykh of the Silsila, inheriting knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality from the court of Aʿlā Ḥazrat Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān رضي الله عنه. He is revered as Raḥbar-e-Ṭarīqat, Jā Naṣhīn-e-Muftī-e-Aʿẓam, and Nāʾib Ḥujjat al-Islām, among other titles.
Lineage and Family Legacy
He is the son of Mufaṣṣir-e-Aʿẓam Hind, Ḥazrat Jīlānī Miyā (Raḍi Allāhu Taʿālā ʿAnhu). His blessed lineage links him to Aʿlā Ḥaḍrat Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān through both his parents. His paternal grandfather was Ḥujjat al-Islām, and his maternal grandfather was Ghaws al-Waqt Ḥuzoor Muftī-e-Aʿẓam Hind (Raḍi Allāhu Taʿālā ʿAnhum). This noble heritage established him as a beacon of Islamic scholarship and spirituality.
Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah attained his foundational Islamic education from his family’s pious and learned members, as well as other prominent scholars of the time. In 1963, he traveled to Egypt, where he pursued higher studies at Al-Azhar University. By 1966, he had excelled and graduated with specialisation in Arabic literature, Ḥadīth, and Tafsīr.
Closeness to Ḥuḍūr Muftī-e-Aʿẓam Hind
After returning from Egypt, Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah gained proximity to his maternal grandfather, Ghaws al-Waqt Ḥuḍūr Muftī-e-Aʿẓam Hind رضي الله عنه. He received immense love and care from Ḥuḍūr Muftī-e-Aʿẓam Hind, who bestowed upon him the highest honors, including Ijāzat (spiritual permission) and Khilāfah. He was also appointed as the Jā Naṣhīn (spiritual successor), a testimony to his exceptional knowledge and piety.
Contribution to Nāʿt Literature
His love for the Holy Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ is evident in his eloquent Nāʿts. These poetic tributes, compiled in the book Safeena-e-Bakhshish, showcase his profound devotion to the Master of the Green Dome ﷺ.
Karāmat (Miracles)
The steadfastness of Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah on the Sharīʿah itself stands as his greatest karāmat (miracle). His unwavering adherence to Islamic principles served as an inspiration for countless followers.
Propagation of Maslak-e-Aʿlā Ḥaḍrat
Huzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah is a torchbearer of Maslak-e-Aʿlā Ḥaḍrat, spreading its teachings globally. A dynamic orator, prolific author, and renowned poet, he wrote numerous works in Urdu and Arabic. Some notable publications include:
  1. Mīrʾātun Najdiyyah (Arabic)
  1. Of Pure Origin (English Translation)
  1. The Pinnacle of Beauty (English Translation)
  1. Shumūl al-Islām (Arabic Translation)
  1. Al-Hād al-Kāf (Arabic Translation)
  1. Al-Amn wa al-ʿUlā (Arabic Translation)
His masterpiece Āthār-e-Qiyāmat has been widely recognised and translated into English, showcasing his intellectual breadth.
Role as Qāḍī al-Quḍāt (Chief Justice)
Huzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah served as the Qāḍī-ul-Quḍāt (Chief Justice) of India, resolving numerous judicial and religious affairs. His responsibilities include:
  • Appointing Imāms and Khaṭībs for Jumuʿah and Eid prayers
  • Overseeing inheritance matters for orphans
  • Settling marriage annulments and disputes
In the absence of a sovereign Muslim state, he had been rightfully appointed to fulfil these essential duties. His authority was and is widely accepted by ʿUlamāʾ and the Muslim masses alike, solidifying Bareilly Sharīf as the epicenter of Ahl-e-Sunnat guidance.
Acknowledgment of His Leadership
During the Urs-e-Razvī, in the presence of hundreds of thousands, Ḥuzoor Muḥaddith-e-Kabīr, Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī Ẓiyā ul-Muṣṭafā Qādrī Amjadī Qibla, publicly declared Ḥuḍūr Tāj al-Sharīʿah as the Chief Justice of India. This announcement was unanimously endorsed by prominent scholars and religious dignitaries from across the globe, including:
  1. Ṣadrul ʿUlamāʾ Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī Teḥsīn Razā Khān رضي الله عنه
  1. Baḥrul ʿUlūm Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī ʿAbdul Mannān Aʿẓmī رضي الله عنه
  1. Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī Ayūb Ṣāḥib Naʿīmī
  1. Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī Shabīr Ḥasan Ṣāḥib
  1. Ḥaḍrat Allāma Muftī Ẓiyā ul-Muṣṭafā Qādrī Amjadī
This consensus underscores his unparalleled stature in the Islamic world.
Vision for the Future
Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah oversaw the construction of Jāmiʿat al-Riḍā, a grand Dārul ʿUlūm in Bareilly Sharīf. This institution is poised to become a center of excellence in Islamic education and spirituality.
Ḥuzoor Tāj al-Sharīʿah’s life exemplifies dedication to knowledge, spiritual guidance, and unwavering adherence to the Sharīʿah. May Allāh shower him a lofty status, and his blessed grave with immense blessings, continued success for serving the Ummah. May his efforts inspire generations to come, and may his blessings remain a source of guidance for the Muslim community. Āmīn.