Huzoor Muhaddith-e-Kabīr Allama Zia al-Muṣṭafā
The Life and Legacy of Huoor Muhadith e Kabīr Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā
Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā, currently residing in Ghosi, Uttar Pradesh, India is a prominent contemporary Islamic scholar, the illustrious son of the great Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah, Állāmah Amjad ʿAlī – may Allāh have mercy on him. Known for his towering Scholarship, piety, and devotion to Islamic Sciences, Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah رضي الله عنه was deeply revered by Imām Aḥmad Ridā Khān رضي الله عنه, famously known as ʿAlā Ḥazrat, who greatly valued his expertise in Islamic Jurisprudence. ʿAlā Ḥazrat رضي الله عنه conferred upon him the title Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah (Leader of Sharī’ah) and expressed such confidence in his knowledge that he remarked;
"If there were an Islamic judiciary established, I would appoint Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah as its Qāḍī (Chief Judge)."
ʿAlā Ḥazrat’s trust in Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah extended to the extent that he instructed his own son, Ḥujjat al-Islām Ḥāmīd Ridā Khān رضي الله عنه, to allow Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah to lead his funeral prayer if certain criteria were unmet.
Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah’s legacy continued through his numerous students, who became luminaries in their own right. These include:
  1. Muḥaddith al-A‘ẓam Pākistān, Mawlānā Abū al-Faḍl Sardār Aḥmad al-Layālpūrī, thumma Fayṣalābādī رضي الله عنه
  1. Mujāhid al-Millah, al-Shaykh al-‘Allāmah Mawlānā Ḥabīb al-Raḥmān رضي الله عنه
  1. Imām al-Naḥw, Ṣadr al-‘Ulamā’, Sayyid Ghulām Jīlānī Mīrthī, (author of Bashīr al-Kāmil, Bashīr al-Nājiyah, Bashīr al-Qārī, and many more works) رضي الله عنه
  1. Ḥāfiẓ al-Millah, al-Shāh, al-‘Allāmah Ḥāfiẓ ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, Muḥaddith al-Murādābādī thumma Mubārakpūrī, Principal of the renowned Islamic University, al-Jāmi‘ah al-Ashrafiyyah, Miṣbāḥ al-‘Ulūm in Mubārakpūr, A‘ẓamgarh, India رضي الله عنه
  1. Amīn al-Sharī‘ah, Munāẓir Ahl al-Sunnah, Muftī A‘ẓam Kānpur, Mawlānā Rifāqat Ḥusain al-Muẓaffarpūrī رضي الله عنه
  1. Shams al-‘Ulamā’, Qāḍī Shams al-Dīn al-Jawnpūrī (author of Qānūn al-Sharī‘ah) رضي الله عنه
  1. Khayr al-Adhkiyā’, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Ghulām Yazdānī A‘ẓamī, former Head Teacher (Ṣadr al-Mudarris) of Jāmi‘ah Raḍwiyyah, Maẓhar al-Islām in Bareilly Sharīf رضي الله عنه
  1. Sayyid al-‘Ulamā’, Sayyid Āl-e-Muṣṭafā – Mārehrā Sharīf رضي الله عنه
  1. Fakhr al-Amāthil, Jāmi‘ Ma‘qūlāt wa Manqūlāt, al-‘Allāmah Muḥammad Sulaymān al-Bhāghalpūrī رضي الله عنه
  1. Shaykh al-Ḥadīth, Ḥaḍrat al-‘Allāmah ‘Abd al-Muṣṭafā A‘ẓamī رضي الله عنه
  1. Ḥaḍrat al-‘Allāmah ‘Abd al-Muṣṭafā al-Azharī (son of Ṣadr al-Sharī‘ah) رضي الله عنه
  1. Khalīl al-‘Ulamā’, Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Muftī Khalīl Khān al-Barkātī رضي الله عنه
  1. Shaykh al-‘Ulamā’, Ḥaḍrat al-‘Allāmah Ghulām Jīlānī al-Ghawswī رضي الله عنه
Early Education and Training
Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā began his education under the direct tutelage of his esteemed father, Ṣadr al-Sharī’ah, and later advanced his studies in Mubārakpūr under the guidance of his father’s students, Ḥuzoor Ḥāfiz-e-Millat and Állāmah ʿAbd al-Raʿūf. These Scholars had a profound impact on his intellectual development, and Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā frequently honours their contributions to his life and knowledge.
In Mubārakpūr, he delved into a wide array of Islamic Sciences and auxiliary disciplines, mastering subjects such as:
  • Qur’ānic Sciences and Tafsīr (Exegesis)
  • Ḥadīth and Uṣūl al-Ḥadīth (Principles of Ḥadīth)
  • Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and Uṣūl al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence)
  • ʿIlm al-Taʿbīr (Interpretation of Dreams)
  • ʿIlm al-Tawqīt (Calculation of Prayer Times)
  • ʿIlm al-Nujūm (Astronomy)
  • Philosophy and Logic (Manṭiq)
  • ʿIlm al-Falakiyyāt (Astrology)
This rigorous curriculum was completed by the age of 19, a testament to his precocity and dedication.
Academic Excellence and Early Recognition
One year after his graduation, Ḥuzoor Ḥāfiz-e-Millat invited Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā back to Mubārakpūr to instruct him in the methodology of teaching Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. After just three lessons, Ḥāfiz-e-Millat expressed confidence in his potential, predicting his future role as a Shaykh al-Ḥadīth. True to this spiritual perception; Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā later earned the title Muḥaddith-e-Kabīr (The Great Scholar of Ḥadīth).
His exceptional grasp of Fiqh earned him another distinguished title, Mumtāz al-Fuqahā’ (The Unique Jurist), through a competitive examination against Scholars from across India. In this competition, he demonstrated unparalleled expertise in Islamic Jurisprudence, securing first place.
Debating Prowess and "Fateḥ-e-Banāras"
A defining moment in his life occurred in Banāras, Uttar Pradesh, where a debate (‘Munāẓarah’) between the Ahl-e-Sunnah and the notorious Ahl-e-Ḥadīth took place. Although not initially scheduled to participate, Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭfā was summoned by senior Scholars, including Állāmah Arshad al-Qādrī and Muftī Sharīf al-Ḥaqq. Despite his young age, he led the Ahl-e-Sunnah to a decisive victory, showcasing remarkable depth of knowledge and debating skills. This achievement earned him the title Fateḥ-e-Banāras (The Conqueror of Banāras).
Titles and Scholarly Achievements
Throughout his life, Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā received numerous honorary titles from distinguished Scholars, including:
  • Muḥaddith-e-Kabīr (The Great Scholar of Ḥadīth)
  • Mumtāz al-Fuqahā’ (The Unique Jurist)
  • Sulṭān al-Asātiza (The Sultan of Teachers), awarded during the Urs of Állāmah Arshad al-Qādrī رضي الله عنه
  • Kathīr al-Ṭalāmīzah
  • Ustādh al-‘Ulamā’
  • Tāj al-Ṣūfiyā’
  • Tarjumān Maslak-e-Riḍā
  • Nā’ib Ṣadr al-Sharī‘ah
  • Rāḍī al-Zamān
  • Ghazālī al-Jahān
  • Tājidār Ahl al-Sunnah
  • Rahbar al-Sharī‘ah
  • Pīr al-Ṭarīqah
  • Nāshir al-Sunnah
  • Qāmi‘ al-Bid‘ah
  • Mufakkir al-Islām
  • Nā’ib Rasūl al-Anām
  • Qāḍī al-Islā
  • Ra’īs al-Munāẓirīn
  • Mumtāz al-Muḥaddithīn
  • Amīr al-Mu’minīn fī al-Ḥadīth
  • Nā’ib Qāḍī al-Quḍāt fī al-Hind
Spiritual Recognition and Khilāfah
During his position in Mubārakpūr, Ḥuzoor Ḥāfiz-e-Millat رضي الله عنه granted him Khilāfah (spiritual succession). Later, Muftī Aʿẓam-e-Hind (the son of ʿAlā Ḥazrat) invited him to Bareilly Sharīf, where he was also granted Khilāfah and special permission to utilise the Sayfī Sharīf, a rare compilation of spiritual practices and remedies. This permission, often accompanied by strict conditions, was uniquely granted to him without restrictions, reflecting the immense trust Muftī Aʿẓam-e-Hind رضي الله عنه placed in him.
Service to the Ummah
Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā has served as both principal and Shaykh al-Ḥadīth at al-Jāmiʿah al-Ashrafiyyah in Mubārakpūr. He continues to run two Islamic institutions in his hometown: Al-Jāmiʿah al-Amjadīyyah for boys, named in honour of his father, and Kulliyah al-Banāt for girls, established in memory of his mother, a distinguished Scholar and spiritual guide.
Over the years, Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā has issued thousands of Fatāwā, guiding the Muslim community on complex issues. His Scholarly acumen and spiritual insight have made him a guide for other Jurists and Scholars.
Állāmah Ziyāʾ al-Muṣṭafā, currently 92 years of age and still active in serving the Dīn of Allāh, remains a beacon of knowledge, piety, and leadership in the Muslim world. His contributions to Islamic Education, Jurisprudence, and Spiritual Guidance continue to inspire countless individuals worldwide. May Allāh grant him long life, good health, and increased success in serving the Ummah. May Allāh also elevate the ranks of the great Scholars mentioned herein and grant us the ability to emulate their dedication to Dīn. Āmīn.
  • Bagair Sunnat Ada Ki Imaamat Karna [Urdu]
  • Where Iqaamat should be Recited [Urdu]
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